Get the Facts on the 2016 Presidential Candidates
The November election is fast approaching, so here is a rundown on the 2016 presidential candidates.

Hillary Clinton, Democratic Candidate:
Hillary Clinton was born Oct. 26, 1947 to Hugh and Dorothy Rodham. She grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois, and was raised a Methodist. Hillary was a Girl Scout, softball player and had a very close relationship with her youth minister. In fact, he helped spark her interest in social justice.
After graduating from high school, Hillary attended Wellesley College where she gave the commencement address. Following her graduation from college, she attended Yale Law School in which she was one of 27 women to graduate. There she met her future husband Bill Clinton. Following her graduation, Hillary joined the Children’s Defense Fund and succeeded in passing legislation that required the state to provide quality education to students with disabilities. After her wedding to Bill Clinton, she ran the legal aid clinic and prison projects in Arkansas. She then served as First Lady of Arkansas, a senator for the state of New York and as Secretary of State.
On an issue such as education, Hillary advocates for increased funding in order to improve the education of teachers. She believes that teachers have the greatest influence on the growth of students. Hillary also wants to make colleges more affordable, thus reducing student debt. In fact, she has already drafted a plan known as the New College Compact which will aim to reduce college tuition and student loans by dropping interest rates on student loans and requiring colleges to reduce their tuition. Clinton favors increasing citizen opportunities for immigrants and plans to expand on President Obama’s immigration legislation. She supports taxing the wealthy and awarding credit to businesses hiring new workers. Hillary would draw up legislation to limit the practice of outsourcing and help low-income communities survive financially. As for healthcare, she endorses the Affordable Care Act and intends to help low-income Americans access quality healthcare. Hillary would call for the cost of prescription drugs to be reduced in order to alleviate the profiting of pharmaceutical companies.

Donald Trump, Republican Candidate:
Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946 to Mary and Fred Trump in Jamaica Estates, Queens, New York. He was raised as the youngest of five children and attended the Kew-Forest School. However, due to behavioral problems, he was enrolled at the New York Military Academy at the age of 13. Trump then attended Fordham University until he transferred to the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce at the University of Pennsylvania . While attending this university, Donald worked at his family’s company, Elizabeth Trump and Son. He then graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. Donald Trump joined his family’s company and became involved with Manhattan building projects. He began to build his company by constructing buildings and selling properties. Trump became even more well-known after he starred in his TV show The Apprentice. In 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for presidency.
Donald Trump advocates for local-level education. According to his campaign website, if elected he will call for an immediate federal investment of $20 billion towards school choice, which will allow children living in poverty to receive better education opportunities. Trump additionally supports the construction of a wall to keep immigrants from illegally entering the United States from our southern border. He believes that illegal immigrants waste large amounts of federal money. Furthermore, Trump proposes that American job applicants should be given preferences over immigrants. As to tax reform, Donald advocates moving from seven tax brackets (which we currently have) to three brackets. The tax bracket rates for married couples will be 12%, 25% and 33%. His plan encompasses major reductions in the taxes for middle-class families and will be paid for by closing loopholes in the tax code for wealthy families and large corporations. He will also allow for parents take make deductions from their pay for childcare prior to taxes being taken from their pay. Trump also plans to immediately repeal the Affordable Care Act after election into office. According to his healthcare plan, he will work with Congress to create a patient-centered system that will promote choice, quality and affordability for patients.
Learn more about both candidates from their campaign websites at:http://www.hillaryclinton.comand