New Clubs
One of the greatest aspects of a Sacred Heart Academy education is undoubtedly the extracurricular activities. With over 30 clubs and organizations, there are numerous opportunities to get involved in the school community. The majority of SHA clubs have open membership, meaning everyone is welcome to join. The newest additions to this list include Board Game Club, Astronomy Club, Chess Club, Interact Club and Chinese Club. Between these and pre-existing clubs, there is bound to be something for everyone.
Every other Monday afternoon in the cafeteria, there is a chance to release one’s inner child at Board Game Club. Despite the name, there is much more than just board games. From card games to elementary school favorites like Seven Up and Four Corners, the possibilities are endless. After a stressful day of classes, this is a great way to relax and enjoy yourself. “It’s just a fun experience to hang around and make new friends. And what’s great is you don’t even have to be good at it to have fun because that’s what it’s all about, having fun” says Helena Pinchot (Class of 2018), president and founder of Board Game Club. Her inspiration for starting this club was actually a suggestion from a friend. As a lover of board games herself, Pinchot wholeheartedly agreed to start this club as a way for students to de-stress. Thanks to Board Game Club, Mondays just became a lot more tolerable!
For those who desire to shoot for the stars, Astronomy Club is the perfect organization for you! Their current agenda entails planning a Sacred Heart Academy observation night, astronomy and telescope research and Southern Connecticut State University observing sessions. If this is something you are interested in, be sure to attend their next meeting at 7:15 a.m. on Wednesday, October 18th.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert in the game of chess, Chess Club welcomes all those who are interested. Once a month, usually on Mondays after school, this club focuses on learning the basic rules and strategies of this classic game. Glory Villano (Class of 2019), founder and president of Chess Club, is hopeful that the team will eventually compete in local tournaments—or even host a school-wide tournament with students as participants. Her impetus for starting this club was her passion for learning new things along with her noticing the lack of female chess players. Among the top 100 chess players in the world, only one is a woman! As Villano says, “Here at SHA, we’re all about girl power, and I thought that learning to play chess would be a great thing to add to our list.”
Discover the power of service above self in Interact Club, which meets every other Tuesday of the month in room 308. They partner with Rotary International, an organization that provides humanitarian services and promotes peace around the world. In addition to planning service projects for the SHA community, they collaborate with other clubs of Southern Connecticut. The meetings are led by students and refreshments are provided. Join today and make a difference in your community!

With a diverse student body at Sacred Heart Academy, there are a wide variety of cultures that can be celebrated—one of which is Chinese culture. Chinese Club, founded by Crystal (Xiaoxiao) Long (Class of 2019), began as a way to share her country’s culture and traditions with others through different activities. Learn more about Chinese festivals, traditions, and fun facts at each meeting. The most recent topic discussed was the Mid-Autumn Festival, which fell on October 4th this year. Attendees indulged in mooncake, a delicious Chinese dessert traditionally eaten in celebration of this holiday. Every third Friday of the month, come to room 314 for food, presentations, crafts, games, and more!
As you can see, the real fun begins after classes end! For half an hour after school, one may learn something interesting, acquire a new skill, or help to change the world. Get involved and meet new people by joining Board Game Club, Astronomy Club, Chess Club, Interact Club, or Chinese Club today.