Thanksgiving Traditions!
Thanksgiving is a very special holiday because it is traditionally a time where the main focus is not about simply receiving and getting or presents and spending, but instead, a time of gratitude, love, family, and giving. This celebration of thanks is celebrated in November in the United States and Canada. Generally, Americans model this holiday after the famous harvest feast between the English colonists and the Wampanoag people in 1621. This extremely symbolic holiday is accompanied with traditional foods like turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin pie, and so much more. The Thanksgiving holiday weekend is especially spectacular for SHA girls because this year our break was extended to five days off! Before we left school to stuff our faces full of delicious food, a handful of students wanted to share their own traditions and views about the holiday with all of us! Lia Prato ’21 explained that she goes to the Green Bowl (the Hamden versus Notre Dame Football game) in the morning and watches Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving special on television with her family in the evening. Ella Guth ’22 said that she goes over to her cousin’s house all day and eats lots of cranberries mixed with oranges, which is her favorite food, at dinner. Kyla and Ava King ’22 said that they are having their family over this year for dinner. They plan to go ice skating in their front yard in a mini ice rink, as well as, eat lots of delicious candied sweet potatoes and gravy. Mia Celentano ’21 is planning on going to her aunt’s house, where she always leads in saying Grace. She also is excited to watch and play football with her family and eat lots of stuffing. Finally, Eva Mathis ’21 explains that she is excited to eat Thanksgiving dinner with her mom and then head up to Vermont for a few days to eat leftovers with her dad! She says that her favorite Thanksgiving foods are mashed potatoes, honey glazed carrots, and manicotti. There are many amazing and truly special traditions that every family has, but the most important things to always remember during this holiday season are to enjoy and appreciate your family, give to others, and be thankful for all that you are blessed with. Happy Thanksgiving!