Return to SHA Traditions: Powderpuff and Young Alumnae Day!

On November 24, 2021, Sacred Heart Academy returned to having their annual SHA Powderpuff game! Put on hold for the past two years, Powderpuff was back and as fun and exciting as ever! Rather than being on the weekend, the game was held at the end of a half day before the students and staff went on Thanksgiving break. This timing encouraged everyone in the SHA community to come down to the soccer field/track to take part in all the fun. One team were the freshman and sophomores, with team colors of red and white, and the other team was the juniors and sophomores, with team colors of pink and black. Even though it was a chilly November day with intense winds, the teams still showed up excited and ready to play, with many layers on. The teams were made up of 20 people from each grade, so 40 people per team, and 80 players overall, with different members of the Notre Dame football team as their coaches. Following a beautiful Thanksgiving prayer service led by campus ministry, the 11:00 bell rang in the classrooms, and the whole school made their way down to the field for the game.
After various practices leading up to the intense battle, the day was finally here. The game began with some calm warmup stretches with music playing in the background, but as the plays got underway, the game was intense, with scores neck to neck until the end. As the seniors and freshmen would get a touchdown, within ten minutes the juniors and sophomores would score as well, causing a rapid back and forth between the two teams. Ultimately, in a spectacular overtime play, the juniors and sophomores rose to the challenge and won the game in the last few seconds of play! Junior/Sophomore Powderpuff team member, Alyssa Norton (Class of 2023), looks back on the game saying, “I really enjoyed playing in the Powderpuff game, as it was another opportunity to bring the school together in a spirited and competitive game. Both components critical to making our experiences at SHA fun and memorable”.
In addition to the excitement of the game itself, the Powderpuff day was even more exciting with the Young Alumnae Reunion taking place at the school simultaneously. SHA Alumni of the past four years came back to visit their alma mater, after missing the chance to come back last year, and as they were here they got to roam the halls of SHA once again, see old teachers and friends who are still current SHA students, and of course got to come down to the track and witness the exciting game between the classes. Various alumnae came to visit and watch, getting to chat with their friends and walking the track while watching the exciting game in front of them. SHA Class of 2021 graduate, and current student at Cornell University, Cathryn Lamour came back on Young Alumnae Day and talked about the reunion saying, “It felt so special returning to SHA after graduating just a few months ago. It was really great getting to catch up with my friends and teachers. Visiting SHA will always feel like visiting home”.
November 24th was a very exciting day for the SHA community, both those currently at the school and those who are moving on to a new chapter in their lives. With Powderpuff and Young Alumnae Day, the SHA community was able to return to some classic and exciting traditions that sadly had been put aside in the past year for safety. As we continue to move through the year, hopefully we see more traditions and events coming back, while still being safe and healthy! Student Council President, Delfina Ferro, looks back on the event saying, “I think Powderpuff was great! It was awesome to bring the whole school community together before Thanksgiving and see so much school spirit. I especially loved seeing all the alums who decided to come watch too! I hope Powderpuff continues to be a tradition at SHA.”