Mu Alpha Theta and SNHS Inductions 2022-2023

On Wednesday, September 21st, 19 new members were inducted into Mu Alpha Theta, which is math national honor society. The induction ceremony was in conjunction with Science National Honor Society inductions with 18 inductees. This ceremony took place in the lecture hall where a reception followed. These accomplished individuals needed to meet rigorous criteria to become a member of these prestigious societies. Mu Alpha Theta is more than just an honor society at SHA, but membership continues two years into college. Strict requirements need to be met in order for one to become a member. These requirements include having a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, be a junior or senior, and be enrolled in AP Calculus AB ECE during the time of induction. Due to Covid-19, the rule of being a part of Math League a year prior to being inducted was waved this year but has now been reinstated and members must be a part of Math League in order to be honored at the end of their senior year with a cord. During the joint ceremony, department chair Dr. Natalya Romanova gave a speech at the induction and co-moderator of Mu Alpha Theta, Susan Vitale, presented the inductees with their certificates. Officers of Mu Alpha Theta this year includes President Yaritza Zecua-Herrera, Vice President Danyella Lanche-Flores, Co-Secretaries Alyssa Norton and Maeve McConnell, and Communications Director Gianna Gassira. Maeve McConnell and Alyssa Norton will also be this years M3 Competition leaders only a team of 10 being allowed. The M3 Competition is a 14-hour long challenge that invites students to apply their knowledge of math to real world situations and try to solve them.
Members that were being inducted into both Mu Alpha Theta and SNHS first received their Mu Alpha Theta certificates and then switched sides and sat in their assigned SNHS seats before being officially inducted. Science National Honor Society also has extremely difficult requirements to qualify for membership. The requirements for becoming an inductee are extensive, refer here for the qualifications needed to become a member and maintain their place in SNHS. Co moderators of SNHS Dr. Elizabeth Christophy gave a speech before Peter Swan handed out the new members certificates. Upon receiving their certificates, each inductee took a candle and lit it while pledging that they will fulfill their required duties for SNHS. The officers for SNHS 2022-2023 are President Grace Gogliettino, Vice President Aashi Sheth, Secretary Kayla Wilonski, and Treasurer Maya Raccio. SNHS requires each member to tutor once a week after school for a semester and dedicate themselves to helping others with science fair.
The reception following the intimate joint ceremony consisted of members and family enjoying waters and SHA’s famous chocolate chip cookies. Being inducted into Mu Alpha Theta, or Science National Honor Society is a testament to the hard work of so many of Sacred Heart’s students and the extraordinary potential they have to accomplish great things in the STEM field. These girls should be extremely proud of themselves and their hard work that they put into their education. Congratulations to the new and returning members of the 2022-2023 school year!
Here is a link to the ceremony’s program: inductions