Mini spirit week was such a fun activity from STUCO to start off the year. Everyone was able to participate whether it was through the half dress down days or participating in the activities held during break.
It was so much fun to see the classes compete against each other and have everyone cheer their friends on. It was another amazing way to get our school to get closer together as a community.
On Monday, the theme was Holidays. The SHA girls got to pick their favorite holiday shirt and wear any crazy accessories that went with their theme! During break, the STUCO activity was the toilet paper mummy. Two girls from each class volunteered, and one person had to wrap an entire roll of toilet paper around her fellow classmate as fast as they could to beat their competition. The freshman raced against the juniors and the sophomores went up against our SHA senior class.
On Tuesday, the theme was tie-dye shirts with crazy socks! While slightly more basic than holidays, the student body was able to have fun with it and everyone looked great. The STUCO activity that day was bowling. Each group of 3 girls represented their class, and whoever knocked down the most pins won!
The theme on Wednesday was a school favorite: Twin Day! Students got to match with their friends for the day and it was so much fun to see which teachers ended up twinning! The break activity was a larger group effort, as it was the hula-hoop race. Groups of 10-15 girls all locked hands and had to mauver a hula-hoop around the entire circle before their opposing class. It was a great opportunity for each class to bond with each other and laugh along the way.
On Thursday, STUCO had a newer theme idea. Students and faculty were told to wear a white tee shirt with a white lie written on it. For example, if our PE teacher Coach Curbow wore a shirt that said: “I’m an English teacher!” The SHA girls got to have a lot of fun with this theme, and at break there was the opportunity to compete in a relay race.
SHA spirit was overwhelming on Friday, as all students were allowed to fully dress down in red and white apparel! In place of a break activity, STUCO put on the annual fall pep rally. All different microcosms of SHA girls were celebrated, from our fall athletes to our new STUCO members. We got a glipse of the upcoming musical production Rock of Ages: Teen Edition from our cast! They have been working all summer and fall to get ready for the showings on October 20th and 21st at the Shubert Theater in New Haven.
In true SHA fashion, the pep rally was wrapped up with a dance party to “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey. As Sr. Shelia says, the sparkle is alive within our excelsior SHA community, and we can’t wait to see what else this year has in store!