The climactic ending of Act One of CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY delivers the song, “It Must Be Believed to Be Seen” – and this year’s SHAmusical lived up to that title!
Who would believe that over 100 SHA students and 22 boys from 12 different schools would collaborate with their director, producer, choreographer, music director, and faculty crew moderators for nearly 4 joyful months of their lives, forming a forever show family?
This year’s company auditioned in early June and began arduous rehearsals in late August. In addition to learning lines, blocking and choreography, this year’s cast ran a successful promotion campaign. The students reached thousands of audience members by appearing at numerous fall events including the Durham Fair, the Southington Apple Parade, Trunk or Treats, and Alyssa’s Cakery. Members of the cast also enjoyed interviews at Toyota Wow Radio and KC101. The students had so much fun sharing the good news about the show and SHA!
Finally, when it was time to leave the beloved Lecture Hall and journey to the Shubert Stage, the SHAmusical family expanded to include many crew members. CHARLIE offered the first performance to local students, in an event made possible by a partnership with the generous Jamie Hulley Arts Foundation. Throughout the performance weekend, CHARLIE played to full houses of family members, friends, alum and chocolate lovers of all ages. The freshmen welcomed the talented orchestra with a special presentation; the sophomores ran a successful food drive inspired by the fictional Bucket family, and the juniors broke everyone’s hearts with touching tribute to seniors. The SHAboys brought great cheer with their SHAbachelor skit, honoring all of the crews who support the show. Finally, the seniors delivered a hilarious private performance that left all of their “SHAscendants” weepy.
After strike, the entire company assembled for the last time to watch the Lights Out Senior set the ghost light at center stage. Lights Out Senior is an honor bestowed upon a senior who has served as a lighthouse throughout the process. This year, the cast chose Kelly Blute, who starred as Willy Wonka. Kelly said, “SHA Musical, especially the past two years in Rock of Ages and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, has been without a doubt the time of my life and has become my happy place over the past four years.” Once Kelly set the ghost light, the company left the Shubert solemnly, feeling grateful for experiencing a successful and special show that was believed into creation. Follow SHAmusical on Instagram for updates on other shows and next year’s reveal!