Sr. Maureen Lands in Top 20 for Nike+ FuelBand Challenge
This summer was a busy one for our very own school principal, Sister Maureen. Sister Maureen has been using Nike+ while running for about eight years now, and loves how interactive and “techy” the products are. So much, in fact, that out of the 20 million Nike FuelBand users around the world, Sister is ranked #16. So, when she received notice this summer from Nike that she has been invited to participate in the Nike+ FuelBand Challenge, she was all for it. “I love to do stuff that is kind of competitive. I thought it would be something fun and would keep me dedicated.” All that dedication certainly paid off when she landed a spot as #11 in the Top 20 runners for the challenge. How did she do it? “I walked constantly.” Sister explained. “I’d walk 5 miles a day in the morning…I would take long walks in the afternoon and at night.” Sister also made a habit of walking if she had to run errands. “If I had to go to the bank, I would walk.” Before she knew it, she was moving up on the list of users. She began to push herself harder, and by the third week, she was feeling more confident about making it in the Top 20. “Just watching online and seeing where you fell and thinking up strategies was great.”
The challenge lasted all summer and ended ten days after school began. But even when her job as principal of SHA started up again, Sister Maureen managed to remain committed to the challenge. “I would be in the gym using the treadmill after school, or I would walk on the track outside.” Of course, Sister was always careful about how hard she pushed herself. “You always want to be faster, but you have to be smart about it,” she explains.
Now, with every contest, there comes a prize. Sister says she was aware that the reward for landing in the Top 20 was a trip to Los Angeles and a chance to meet professional athletes. There was also a “mystery trip” involved, which was later revealed as a mini trip to Las Vegas. Due to her position here at SHA, she decided it would be better not to go. Instead, the people of Nike have sent fuel bands, water bottles, sneakers, and other goodies for the students of Sacred Heart! However, besides all of that, Sister Maureen says by doing this challenge she has become healthier and lost a lot of weight, which is the best reward one can get.
In the end, Sister Maureen has enjoyed her time participating in this challenge. “It was a great motivator,” she says. Not only was it that, but it set an amazing example for everyone at SHA. Sister says that she thinks this challenge would be great for kids who want to improve their skills. There is more to it than just winning; it is about having a good time. “Whether I finished first or not, it does not matter. It’s just fun.” You are absolutely right, Sister, and we are proud of your accomplishment!